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It’s Common

5 Mar

Common makes great music.  He just does.  Over the Years rappers have attempted to make love songs but he’s the only one who has consistently done great ones.  I’m going to post my two favorites.  The first is called Come Close and it also features Mary J. Blige.  This song makes me cry. Its Amazing.


The next song is called The Light.  I can’t rave enough about how great this man is at what he does.



Page 54 A Musical Post

25 Feb

I’m having a sucky couple of days. Please enjoy father and son, Eddie and Gerald Levert/ Baby Hold On To Me.  Gerald was another that died too song. R.I.P you were one of the great voices of R&B.

They didn’t have an embed code so you’ll have to go visit youtube. Here is the link Baby Hold On To Me.

Page 53 I won’t complain

23 Feb

One of my favorite gospel songs.  So appropriate for today.  All of my good days out weigh my bad days and I won’t complain.  There is a local preacher named Gerald Balew that used to preach at the church I attended.  When he sung this song… It made me feel lighter.  We didn’t get good news with Mom’s cancer fight today but the battle wages on.

Anyway take a listen

Page 49 Musical Spotlight: The ‘Why aren’t they more popular?’ series

20 Feb

We live in a society that celebrates a pretty face more than true talent.  Not to say that the people I’ll spotlight aren’t attractive, but they should have bigger careers. The first person is American Idol hopeful Elliott Yamin:  He was my favorite on his season.  He was on the season 5 with Taylor Hicks, Katherine McPhee and Chris Daughtry.  Elliot was my favorite during this season but Taylor Hicks went on to win the title.  He has an effortless talent in his voice.  See for yourself:

Elliot singing A song for you done by Donny Hathaway.  Elliot sang the shit out of this song… I don’t see how he could lose to anyone let alone Taylor Hicks…

And here is another live version of Donny Hathaway’s I love you more than you’ll ever know

The true test for a singer is to hear them live…. This man has more talent in his pinky finger than a lot of these mainstream idiots making the same dumb manufactured sounding songs.

Love and Equality

Page 48 Rest in Peace Whitney Houston

18 Feb

Today was the home going service for a legend.  I didn’t watch the service but I will at some point I think.  Its a real shame that on a day like today people couldn’t just get along to honor her memory.  I’m referring to Bobby Brown leaving the service after being asked to move three times. He showed up with a 9 person entourage.  That was wrong in my opinion. If the invite said two guests he should have respected that and just brought two.  On the other side of things, if you let all nine of his entourage in then security should have left them alone.  Its just sad to me.

I hope Bobbi Kristina gets the kind of support she needs to cope with everything that’s happened.  Her and Whitney seemed close and I’m sure she’s devastated.  In honor of Whitney Houston… One of the great songs she recorded:

Page 41 of 366 Loss of a Legend

12 Feb

Whitney Houston is dead. She is the only voice to ever move me to tears with its pure beauty.  I never heard a Whitney song I didn’t like. I sit typing this in disbelief.  This latest tragedy continues to remind us that tomorrow isn’t promised to us.  It also tells us that anything can happen at any time. I feel like I felt when Michael Jackson died.  I feel like I felt when Luther Vandross died.  I feel like I felt when Gerald Levert died.  I feel like I felt when Aaliyah died.  All people who died before their time who spoke to me with their talent.  My heart is heavy.  People come to mean a lot to you even if you didn’t personally know them.  You still feel like they’re close to you because of their music.  Rest In Peace Whitney.

Love and Equality ya’ll.  It’s SO easy! Just love and be loved.

Page 40

11 Feb

I’ve got a great idea for a blog post.  Yes.. this post is about a post I will make in the future.  Something had to be written for page 40.  Again today I got nothing but I have a great idea that will take me a lot of time.  Look for it in the next few days. Until then my friends… Love and Equality

Enjoy this song as a hint of what’s to come:


Breathe and Stop…..

6 Feb

This song just popped in my head a little bit ago.  I can remember my college days when this song was hot! It had to be one of my favorites back in the day. By the way, sorry about the unnecessary addition of the video vixens. Anyway I like hip hop songs like this because its not about the stupid stuff some rappers talk about.  Its not about shooting and killing and doing drugs and pimpin hoes.  That shit isn’t my reality and so I don’t want to hear about it.  Hell most of the idiots rapping about that stuff… it isn’t really their reality either.  Now there are a few dumb asses in the bunch, just see any rapper currently in jail. Anywho… enjoy Breathe and Stop by Q-tip!

Page 34 of 366 Makes Me Want To Scream

3 Feb

This is the kind of day I had

Smokestack Lightning – Howlin’ Wolf

31 Jan

The blues. Close your eyes and listen.