Here We Go Again…

21 Apr

I want to be consistent.  I want to be a go getter. I want to be a tough broad who gets it all done and feels like there isn’t enough hours in the day.  The, I’ll sleep when I’m dead types. However; I just have to come to terms with just not being that bitch.  I need naps. I do. If I don’t get them I am cranky and who in the hell wants to live with cranky?

I do have a voice and would like to share that voice with the world.  I just don’t feel like I have something to say every single day.  At least, not without getting ridiculous.

I want to write a romance novel.  I began one, years ago but I keep finding myself stuck. Maybe I will start from scratch and just do the work it takes to brainstorm, plot, outline and write this great American romance novel.  I need pressure though, and I need deadlines.  I’m going to try.  Starting today. Wait…Game of Thrones is tonight.. tomorrow.. I’ll start tomorrow!

As always, be kind to one another.  It is soooo easy!


Infected ears, being broke and what the hell was I thinking??

6 May

I’ve got a really bad ear infection. Maybe its the pain in my ear or maybe I’m just over listening to others ignorant conversations and smug opinions on things. I’ve always been one to march to my own drummer.  I like what I like and I don’t feel like I need the approval of anyone else. If I like something that the rest of the world likes, then cool! If I like something that nobody else likes, great! I’m not going to put other people down for not liking what I like or even for doing what they like, even if what they like isn’t my thing.  I had a conversation today about social media with a coworker.  He said that he doesn’t like social media because people only post things to be liked, whether it be pictures or statuses.  He didn’t feel he had anything to share that people would want to hear anyway. He said that if he wanted to stay in contact with friends then he’d just tell them individually what he wanted to say without having to post it to facebook. I can see his point and wasn’t offended by it because its his opinion.  I am on social media everyday multiple times a day.  I’m not on there to be liked. I’m on there because I’m interested in people and to me its fun. If I post a selfie, I’m just saying, ‘hi, this is me’.  I’m not looking for likes or validation from folks I don’t know. Social media is a way to connect with people you’ve known in the past and lost contact with or just sharing your story with people.  Maybe someone who feels like they don’t have a voice in their everyday life gains empowerment and the courage to say how they feel through the computer. Who cares about the method when connections are being made?

Ever had a crush on someone and then you find out the truth about the person they really are?  Then you wondered what the hell you were thinking and why didn’t you see them for the miserable bastard they were in the first place? I cannot and will not ever understand a person who breeds negativity.  I believe what you put out into the world is what you get back from it. If you’re constantly spewing out distaste for everything and feeling like you’re above everyone then that is all you’re ever going to be successful at. Holding yourself back from being happy.  You’ll be alone and telling yourself that at least you didn’t sell out like those other suckers out there living life and being happy.  Please don’t buy into your own bull shit.  Make an effort to not be miserable.  I’m a person who can get a long with most people.  I can be outgoing when I want to be, but sometimes I have to cut people out of my life. I feel way too much of other peoples emotions.  I can feel other peoples misery weighing me down like wet wool. I’ve gotten depressed from being around miserable individuals. At 35 I’ve kinda learned to recognize the signs and not allow negative people to infect my bubble of content.  So secret ex crush, I’m sorry, I’m leaving you alone to be miserable. I don’t want to be friends. You make me tired when I’m around you. 

Do I really need to even go in to being broke? Everyone I know is..

My wish for 2014 is for everyone to get to be their true authentic self.  Just be.. its SO easy!



Thinking about firing up the old blog again…

5 May

I’ve had a lot on my mind lately. When I used my blog as a tool to express what I wanted I think I was happier.  I lost my beautiful Mother August 2012 and my life wasn’t the same.  I had to shut down for a while and not quite got back in to the groove and blogging. I’m going to try to do better though.  It’s therapeutic for me even if I know nobody really reads the things I write.  I’m going fire it up again and see where it leads.  Love only in 2014.. Its SO easy!

My review of The Amazing Spiderman

3 Jul

The Amazing Spiderman is just that. Amazing. Andrew Garfield is great as Peter Parker, his acting ability and gymnastic skills are far better than Toby Maguire and I liked those movies alot (well maybe not Spiderman 3 so much). It was well acted by the entire cast, Martin Sheen, Dennis Leary, Emma Stone, Sally Field and Rhys Ifans. This is definitely a great effort at rebooting the franchise. It’s not a continuation of the last movies so it stands on its own. The tone of the movie isn’t much different from the Toby era, and not a complete overhaul like Chris Nolan’s Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises. Those are much darker and gritter in comparison to Tim Burton’s Batman and Batman Returns. I enjoyed it a lot. I’d see it again actually. I saw it in IMAX 3D and that was pretty cool. Action and fight sequences were cool ad some of the camara shots and computer animation were out of this world. There was a POV so kinda got to see what spidey would see as he’s slinging those webs. We got virtually kicked in the face by spidey at one point lol It’s a must see if these types of movies are your thing. I won a prize for answering a trivia question. I got a hat, t-shirt, soundtrack and mini poster. Go me!


22 Jun

There’s an entire story behind the writing below. It doesn’t really need telling so I won’t. I wrote this back in February before the man who this is about showed me who he really was. Though we hadn’t been romantically involved for quite some time (years), I thought we had a friendship. I was wrong about a lot of things. That’s tough to admit but admitting mistakes brings about healing. I miss this person but I gotta let it go.  I wanted to change the piece to reflect where we are now but I decided to leave it as is. In moments of melancholy you sometimes think about what could’ve been had circumstances been different and that is what this is about. In hindsight there was nothing I’ve could’ve done to change the outcome of this relationship because I didn’t really know him. Reading this made me cringe and want to delete every word but I’m stronger than that. Let me know what you think.


I loved you and I think you loved me too.

Tonight I can lie to myself and say tomorrow you won’t be there in a song lyric on the car radio

There in that movie where the actor looks just like you

There in a crowded room where I hear you call my name

There in my disappointment when I realize it wasn’t you at all

There in my phone contacts daring me to call you and act like I’m not missing you

You loved me when I dressed in the clothes you took off, even down to your shoes. I walked around imitating your swagger.  I loved you as we laughed together when the pants started to fall down and the shoes flopped with every step I took.

You loved me when you awoke in the middle of the night to put the covers back around me.  I loved you when I pretended to not be awakened by your sweetness.

I loved you when I let you see the vulnerable side of me. You loved me when you kept trying to comfort, even when you couldn’t understand my words as I cried harder than I ever had before.

I loved you when I tried to make it work even though the distance was too much for either of us to handle.  I even loved you as I tried to connect with someone else to replace the void you left.

I loved you even when I was sure that you didn’t love me anymore.  But maybe you did. Maybe you still do.  I have to remind myself of the bad times to diminish how great the good times were.  I do this because nothing has changed.  The situation remains the same.

The Hunger Games: Its a must read

24 May

I wanna start off by saying anyone who hasn’t read but intends too should probably not read the rest of this post.


*****Spoiler Alert*****

This trilogy was a tough read for me. Let me just say that I read a lot of books.  Its one of my favorite things to do. When I read I stop seeing words on a page and its like I’m watching inside the scenes.  I don’t know if anyone else has the same experience. I’ve never really asked. When I’m immersed in a book like I was in this trilogy I couldn’t help but to be emotionally invested in the story. The author was incredibly descriptive and successful at conveying emotional and physiological responses to the events that unfolded for the characters. I’ve personally never felt what its like to be hungry all the time and I’ve been blessed to have never worried about where my next meal will come from or if my family will go hungry tonight. I can’t imagine surviving in a world like Panem. Would I have the guts to do all the things Katniss did to survive? If the world turned in to Panem tomorrow, probably not.  I’d be the first to admit I’m a little spoiled. I don’t like veggies and I couldn’t see myself hunting down anything.  If I was born into such a world maybe my answer would be different.


I’ve got a tough exterior and a gooey center so the graphic killing of kids broke my heart. I can’t wrap my head around the feeling of kill or be killed. Katniss volunteered for the hunger games to save her sister from being slaughtered but in the end it really didn’t matter.  She lost more than she gained.  She still didn’t have the freedom she wanted, Prim was killed in such a horribly cold blooded way, her relationship with Gale was fractured as a result (and really even before Prim’s death she wasn’t sure to continue trusting him, I personally wouldn’t have, he was too blood thirsty). She even lost her sanity.  I’d say she lost her Mother too but that was pretty clear from the begginning she really couldn’t count on her much.  Katniss ending up alone in victory village kind of proved that.


President Snow was terrifying.  He smelled like blood and roses. I could almost smell him as I read. It gives me that creeps just thinking about it.  There’s so much going on in these books! I’ve rambled enough I think. Tell me what you thought.


Any moments you’d like to touch on?


Any Characters you wish had a different fate?


Did you like Katniss? (I gotta confess that although I rooted for her, she wasn’t all that likable as far as heroines go but I was still okay with that.  If she was warm and fuzzy everything that she endured wouldn’t have been as compelling.  She kind of had to let her dark side free to even have had a chance of surviving.)


Team Peeta or Team Gale and why? (I’m sure you know my answer lol)


Haymitch: Friend or Foe?


Was Prim’s death inevitable?


Pleeeeease share your thoughts!!

And the world gets a little bit clearer

24 May

I’ve been wearing glasses now since mid March.  I’ve gotten adjusted to where I can’t tell I have them on. I got two pair. The second pair I never wear because they are too plain and not me at all. I said that I’d debut my glasses for the world to see.  I did it on twitter but forgot to add it to my blog so here goes:

C’est Moi!

My experience using America’s Best is another story for another day. But I will say, I’ll never go there again.

Sixteen Candles: My tale of being sixteen and awkward

25 Apr

Tonight I saw that this movie was on and it started me thinking that its pretty accurate for how awkward and out of place normal 16 year old girls feel.  This movie was released in 1984 but I think its still relevant. If you’ve never seen it, go watch it. I’m not going to recap what happened but I will share my own story of being sixteen, awkward and in love with a boy.

Sophomore year I started a new school.  I hated it.  I didn’t know anyone and just really didn’t want to be there.  I’m not sure I really gave it much of a chance to be honest.  I’m a total late bloomer and I honestly had never really looked at boys or even ever had a boyfriend at that point.  There was this particular boy, Andrew, we had classes together.  We were friends and he made me laugh. I loved being around him. He worked at Diary Queen and I’d beg my mother to take me there all the time so I could see him.  I’m not sure if Andrew ever knew I’d only come to see him there. We also had an English class together that was split in half by our lunch hour.  In the second half of the class, I was helping another student with an assignment because I’d already finished mine.  As we sat there working, Andrew, who sat a desk away from the student I was helping, blurts out that he wanted to get with me. It was completely out of the blue.  My reaction was not good.  I was totally caught off guard.  I was elated, terrified, happy, embarrassed and did I mention terrified?  I acted like I didn’t hear him.  I heard.  The kid I was helping, to my further mortification says with complete astonishment, “the man says he wants to get with you and you just ain’t gone say nothing?”  I swear that was one of those times that I wished a hole would’ve opened up and swallowed me then and there.  I replied saying, “shut up, and focus on this assignment please.” There was my chance.  Its what I wanted and I blew it for no good reason.  All the emotions that rolled around like a tornado in my body didn’t show on my face.  I’m good at masking my emotions.  I don’t know how or when I learned it, but its just what I’ve always done. Still do. Especially when I don’t know what my reaction should be.  Being honest about what or who I wanted and being receptive to him, made me too vulnerable.  What if he was just playing with me?  These were the fears of 16 year old me.  I’d had that game played on me before in middle school.  Not by anyone I had a crush on but by people making fun of me because I was fat.  That’s neither here nor there though.  Back to the topic at hand.

After that, our friendship wasn’t the same.  We didn’t speak for awhile even though we still had classes together.  Eventually we did speak again but the awkwardness never quite left completely.  I went with another boy later in the school year for 4 days.  I don’t know why I did.  I never liked the boy. I even asked a friend to break up with him for me.

Junior year was a little better.  I still had the crush but I figured it was too late.  I’d already made of fool of myself by ignoring his feelings. I’d wished he’d try again but I kind of knew that he wouldn’t.  Who would risk being ignored again?  By senior year the crush was still there, strong as ever but I started going with a guy that was younger than I was. His name was George.  He got on my nerves.  He just wanted to talk 24/7 it seemed.  In the morning he’d meet me by my locker and walk me to my first class.  Andrew and I were usually the first two to get there, even before the teacher, so we’d be waiting out in the hall. Again, I purposely rushed so I’d have time alone with him. When I started going with the other guy he’d always insist on me kissing him before he went to his own class, in front Andrew.  I hated those mornings.  I felt like I was rubbing it in Andrew’s face.  Who knows, if he was hurt by it? Maybe he’d gotten over whatever it was he felt for me, and rightly so, but it mattered to me.  I felt bad.  Especially since there was nothing, no feeling, behind the kisses.  Eventually Andrew started teasing me and would call me “George” whenever I walked into a room or passed him in the hall.  It always embarrassed me. He’d say it in this loud weird voice.

We graduated.  At graduation I still had the crush, it was emotional for me because I knew I’d never see him again.  As we were leaving to celebrate with our families, I saw him, our eyes met and I just said “bye”.  Andrew did write his number in my yearbook though.  That summer, after I ended things with George (he’d gotten on my absolute last nerve being all clingy and corny), I called Andrew but he wasn’t home.  I never tried again.  It had taken me 10 times picking up the phone to actually get the number dialed.  I was that nervous.

I’ve always wanted to apologize to Andrew for that day.  My adult self knows you’ve gotta have major guts to express your feelings when you’re unsure of the outcome.  Andrew is out there somewhere living his life and probably hasn’t given me and high school another thought.  Every time I see Sixteen Candles on television, I think about that day.  I think about Andrew and how he made me feel back then.  I wonder if I’d had the guts to go for it, would it have changed the course of anything in my life for the better or worse?  I’ll never know.

At 33, here I am feeling the need to apologize for something that happened a long time ago between two kids.  I heard it said once that your adult years are for getting over our childhoods.  I believe that with all my heart.  If by some chance Andrew stumbles upon my little corner of the universe and reads this, I’m sorry I ignored you.  Even if I hadn’t felt the same, I did feel the same, but even if I hadn’t, I owed you better than what you got because we were friends before anything else. And hey, maybe you were over it as soon as it happened or months later or even maybe not until years later, but I still feel compelled to say I’m sorry.

Love and equality in 2012 ya’ll it’s SO easy!

The Rampant Ignorance of America and the issue of race

31 Mar

We’ve all heard the news about 17 yr old Trayvon Martin being shot to death by George Zimmerman. That’s a fact.  We all know he did it. Whether you feel its a miscarriage of justice is up to you.  I happen to think the man should be in jail and put on trial.  For the past couple of weeks this story has been continuously in the news.  I can’t escape the comments about people being sick of the story in the news and are ready for the media to move on.  Why the hell should Americans move on?

I’m writing this post because I saw something on facebook that upset me.  Someone posted that they were sick of hearing about Trayvon’s case in the media.  They asked why a case from 2007 wasn’t in the news, they wanted to hear about that case.  The case they referred to was 4 black men, car jacking, kidnapping, raping, torturing and murdering a young white couple. The details of that case were absolutely disgusting and horrible.  The person seemed to be alluding to it being unfair for attention to “still” be on Trayvon’s case and not on this young couple.  Leaving out the fact that this inhuman crime was commited years ago, there is one huge difference, the killers were caught and brought to justice in the heinous crimes committed against the young couple.  The case was even on the ID channel.  I’m sure the families of the couple wanted justice for the atrocities done to their children.

Why aren’t the parents of Trayvon allowed the same?  Nobody has to search for his killer.  The police know who did it, the lead officer wanted to bring manslaughter charges but was told there wasn’t enough evidence.  George Zimmerman’s father being a retired judge, do you think he didn’t have connections in the DA’s office? Should Trayvon’s parents just let it go because people are tired of hearing about the case?  That was their child.  Would you let it go if your child was murdered walking down a street he had every right to be walking down?  Where is the compassion for this boys family.  Where is the compassion for an innocent young man?  He’s dead.  Zimmerman is free.  People shouldn’t just let that go!

In America there is a lack of compassion when something like this happens to black people. Name off the top of your head white women that got national attention for weeks and weeks because they were missing or murdered? Here let me help: Natalee Holloway, Elizabeth Smart, Lacy Peterson. Remember Jonbenet Ramsey? I read a story about her last week that said she’d have been 21 yrs old.  She was 6 I think when she was murdered. They’re still speculating on who murdered that baby.  Can you name off any black women or kids that have gone missing and it made national news for weeks and weeks?  No I didn’t think you could. Do people assume that black people don’t get kidnapped and murdered?  It’s just not talked about on the scope that it is for white people.  Maybe I’ll lose friends and alienate people but that’s my truth.  I’m black I see it. It’s not paranoia.  It’s not playing the race card. If you don’t see it, pay better attention.  People tend to be lackadaisical when things don’t directly affect them.  The black community is up in arms because it could have been any of our kids.  Chances are it wouldn’t have been a white kid that Zimmerman shot.  A white kid wouldn’t have been out of place in Zimmerman’s neighborhood. “They always get away with it,” he said to the police operator.  Get away with what George Zimmerman? Walking down the street?

George Zimmerman saw a black kid walking in the rain and he jumped to conclusions about what he was doing there.  For me, that is where race plays an issue. He operated under the general stereotype that black people are bad and up to no good when you see one in your neighborhood.  The boy was  out of place in his mind.  That’s bullshit. He wasn’t on private property, or sneaking around looking in windows. He was walking down the street trying to get to his destination. Whether George Zimmerman is a racist I have no idea.  People seem to hear him say ‘fucking coon’ while talking to the operator. I listened to that and I couldn’t tell what he said personally.  People have also said Trayvon should have identified himself and told Zimmerman what he was doing there.  We teach our kids not to talk to strangers. If a strange gun toting man came up to me and asked me who I was and what I’m doing there you better believe I’m getting the hell out of there because I don’t know your intentions. You aren’t a cop.  Being neighborhood watch doesn’t give you police privileges.  You’re supposed to WATCH and CALL the police when something doesn’t look right.

We’ve got to wake up.  We have to stop lying to ourselves about our own prejudices.  Think about stereotypes you think are true about another race.  We need to work to overcome such weaknesses in ourselves so that things like this don’t happen again.  I know there are a lot of well meaning white people out there who don’t believe racism is still a problem in 2012 in America.  You’re wrong my fellow man.  It goes in every direction.  I’m talking about all races in this melting pot.

I’ve seen and experienced racism first hand.  I’ve been passed over for things I worked hard for and deserved more than the next person.  My opinions and ideas were discounted and ignored constantly because other races assumed I had no idea what I was talking about.  I’ve been followed around stores.  I’ve been told by a coworker that her and her “girlfriends like to go shopping for ghetto clothes”, in an effort to identify with me.  I’m still not sure what ghetto clothes are, maybe it’s the hoodie that Geraldo was so adamant that it is as much to blame for Trayvon’s death as George Zimmerman is.  I’ve had another coworker be absolutely emphatic that its hard to see black men at night.  I’ve had white people carry on a perfectly normal conversation with another white person and turn to me speaking slang. I’m going to be honest, its hard being black in America, but the experiences I’ve had, the barriers that being black bring, and knowing what I know, if given the choice to choose my race, I’d still choose black. Not because black is better or worse.  Its because it’s all I know how to be.  I’m not a stereotype.  I’m a human, and so was Trayvon Martin.  Where is the justice for him based on that alone?

Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t about focusing less on white people and more on black people.  With something like kidnappings and murders and crime there is no way to make something like that be equally reported on, but its wrong to have things be so one sided.  There are other Trayvon’s out there, he isn’t the first and he unfortunately won’t be the last.  Read the story of 14yr old Emmett Till.

Love and equality people.  Its crucial now more than ever!!


Happy Birthday to Me!

7 Mar

Today I turned 33 years old.  I feel every one of those years.  I’ve had a rough couple of years but I pray that 33 will bring many more blessings.  I’m thankful for everyone that sent me well wishes via facebook, twitter and text messages.  I feel loved! Like I said on facebook, my cup runneth over.  I’m ending the day with a headache but that’s okay, today was a good day.  Now for Advil and a book before I try sleep.


Love and Equality ya’ll, its so easy!