Archive | February, 2012

Page 48 Rest in Peace Whitney Houston

18 Feb

Today was the home going service for a legend.  I didn’t watch the service but I will at some point I think.  Its a real shame that on a day like today people couldn’t just get along to honor her memory.  I’m referring to Bobby Brown leaving the service after being asked to move three times. He showed up with a 9 person entourage.  That was wrong in my opinion. If the invite said two guests he should have respected that and just brought two.  On the other side of things, if you let all nine of his entourage in then security should have left them alone.  Its just sad to me.

I hope Bobbi Kristina gets the kind of support she needs to cope with everything that’s happened.  Her and Whitney seemed close and I’m sure she’s devastated.  In honor of Whitney Houston… One of the great songs she recorded:

Page 47 Has the world gone insane?

17 Feb

Today I read a news story about the president going to get Chinese take out.  People are mad because the restaurant he went to serves Shark Fin soup.  He didn’t order shark fin soup just dim sum.  Out of all the things wrong with this world, people are mad the president went to a place that sales it.  In all the years I’ve eaten Chinese I’ve never said I wonder if they serve shark fin soup? If they do I’m not going there.  I’ve never even heard of shark fin soup!  I’m sorry to hear about all the poor innocent sharks who have been hunted for their fins, I really am.  If shark fin soup is the first thing on the presidents mind when going to grab lunch, we’re in trouble in this country.  Everyday you hear about someone being offended by something stupid.  I can see if the man went on a shark fishing trip, protest all you want then, he’d deserve it.  It’s ridiculous. The president is a lefty should we protest him not being ambidextrous? There are more right handed people in this country than left handed people… Do we really want a lefty in office? *please do not miss the sarcasm intended* I’m so tired of the foolishness.

People will throw themselves in front of a wrecking ball to stop a historic buildings from being torn down, or put themselves in the path of a cargo ship in protest of dolphins being caught in tuna fishing nets.  But what about the millions of elderly, disabled and children, who can’t fight for themselves.  Where is our passion for helping out our fellow man?  I’m not saying we shouldn’t care about the other issues, but we’ve got people being murdered nearly everyday in my city and no one will come forward to give any evidence or leads.  We’ve got kids missing by the thousands.  We have numerous cases of abuse and neglect with our kids but nobody says anything until its too late and a child is dead.

Here is some perspective for you: The first animal cruelty society in the United States was the ASPCA founded in 1866 by Henry Bergh.  The New York Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children was founded in 1874.

Love and equality people. I yearn for that day when its a reality.

Page 46 of 366 If This World Were Mine…

16 Feb

Only with my approval could you stay on Earth.  Everyone else is going to the moon kinda like England when they sent their criminals to Australia, except folks will be rocketed away from me.

Insurance Companies would be non-existent people would be just given the things they need.

People could be with and marry whomever they want.. except for the people on strange sex who are in love with walls and cars.  Ya’ll going to the moon.. I’m sorry.

I’d only keep on shows I watch on the networks. They’d also come on to fit my schedule.

Movies I love will never end… Harry Potter would be 97 years old and feebly yelling ‘expelliarmus!’

I’d find a way to make good food good for you. NO veggies on earth.

Diseases gone. All of them.  First to go HIV/AIDS and Cancer.

Bad breath goes to the moon.

Love and Equality ya’ll.  Gonna hit the sack.  I fell asleep typing this…


Page 45 of 366 Revenge Among Other Things

16 Feb

****Spoiler Alert****

So as expected Revenge was explosive!  Right off the bat we found out who stole Emily’s box of secrets from under the floor boards of her house… wait for it… Crazy ass Tyler!  This fool had the box and he held crazy ass Amanda hostage.  He succeeded in turning Amanda against Emily so she ended up helping him with his plan to extort 5 million dollars from Emily.  It worked cause she sure paid up.  The money wasn’t enough for him though.  He hatches his own plan for revenge against Emily and Daniel for having him committed again.  He planned to show up at the party and reveal the truth to Daniel.  He invited crazy ass Amanda along but she started having second thoughts about her alliance with Tyler.  She planned to steal the 5 million but before she can get away, Tyler shows up and holds a gun on her.  She pops him in the face with a hanger and he recovers just in time to shoot her but she’s still able to get away.  Tyler isn’t phased, he continues on with his plan to expose Emily and murder Daniel by making everyone think Emily killed him.

Emily and Daniel have an argument because he wants to elope and move to Paris.  Of course Emily isn’t having it because she’s not done exacting her Revenge against Daniels parents.  Daniel starts to doubt Emily’s motives for being with him and he storms away to clear his head.  While he is clearing it, Crazy ass tyler shows up with a damn gun and starts telling Daniel that Emily isn’t who she says she is.  He also tells him that his parents are frauds basically.  He orders Daniel to call Emily down to the beach but on second thought takes Daniels phone and texts Emily.

Emily has already headed back to the party when Nolan tells her that she should be on that boat with Jack heading to Haiti to build a school.  Emily remains steadfast in wanting to take down the Graysons. She gets the text from Tyler/Daniel to meet him on the beach but she can’t get away from the party just yet.  Her teacher the weird Japanese man shows up and tells her he is about to help her get her plan for revenge back on track, he gives her the stolen box back and tells her to carry on and she’ll see in due time how he gets the revenge getting back on track.  She also catches Little Miss 17 yr old Charlotte popping pills to escape her feelings of being betrayed and lied to all her life by her mother Victoria.  Also earlier in the night Charlotte’s ‘grandfather’ told her that she better not get counseling to deal with her issues of not really being a Grayson because she’d ruin the Grayson name with her belly aching.  Grandpa Grayson is off the absolute chain.  He’s played by William Devane… so you know how cold that shit came off… no wonder the girl is popping Oxycodone like skittles!  Before Em could confront Charlotte about taking Jacks pills head bitch Victoria interrupts the moment and Charlotte slips away to go make out with Declan, Jack’s cute little brother. We will get back to them in a second.

Crazy Ass Amanda runs to that deliciously attractive Jack and begs him to take her with him, and she promises to never leave.  Of course she was playing him and just wanted money so she could get the hell out of dodge with the bank draft for the 5 mill.  She tells him she needs to get something before they leave on their trip (he was bouncing to clear his head and get back to the do gooder type stuff he’s accustomed to apparently).  He gives her some ends, they kiss and she walks off the boat and up the dock.  Jack looks at his hand and its covered in  her crazy ass blood.  What does he do? He takes off after the crazy heffa.  He see’s her get into a cab and he follows in his truck.  The cab dropped her off at the beach and Jack gets out to go find her.  He hears a bunch of gun shots on the beach and runs top speed to find Amanda standing over a dead body!  She is standing there dumbfounded!  He tells her to get out of there and go find his truck and take off saying that the keys are in it still.  She does but she can’t find the damn keys anywhere in the car.  Here comes Emily’s teacher.. the weird Japanese guy.. he pulls up in a cold ass porche (she has no idea who he is) she asked for a ride and wisks crazy ass Amanda away.

Back on the beach, Jack attempts to hide the body just as Declan (his lil bro) and Charlotte come to frolic on the beach.  Just as Jack is searching to see who the dead man is,  the persons phone rings.  The face on the caller ID is Emily!  It’s Daniel’s phone.  Declan hears the phone ringing and see the person standing over the body but he couldn’t identify the person as his brother.  It was night after all.  I wasn’t fooled by the phone being daniels because I remembered that Tyler had taken Daniels phone to get Emily to come to the beach.  The dead man is Tyler.. but we’re still left with who the hell shot him?  Crazy ass Amanda didn’t have a gun.  Daniel comes walking from down the beach in near shock, also without a damn gun, but he does have blood all over the front of his tuxedo jacket.  Everyone is shocked and victoria runs to him and tells him not to say a word.  It was a damn good episode!

In two weeks when it returns Daniel is arrested for Tyler’s murder. He claims he doesn’t remember anything that happened on the beach. My theory is that weird Japanese guy killed three birds with one stone.  He got crazy ass Amanda out of town, killed off tyler and then somehow altered daniels memory.  We have no idea just how much information Tyler gave to Daniel but I’m sure the details will slowly get out.  I’m not usually big on drama shows but Revenge is amazing!

On to Ghost hunters…

They’d been hinting that they had a big announcement to tell everyone and it seemed that all the T.A.P.S. members were super upset about the news.  It seems that Grant Wilson, co founder of T.A.P.S. is going to be leaving the show after 8 years.  I had to shed a few tears right along with them.  I’ve been watching that show since the beginning and I hate to see him go, but you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do.  I’m sure all will be well with the show.  He also said that this isn’t goodbye for good.

Whitney (the tv show)

Today was the cutest episode it showed us how whit and alex met in 2008.. so cute! they were a one night stand that turned into a 3 yr relationship.  I hope that show doesn’t get cancelled. I think its hilarious.  Now that show Are you there, Chelsea? sucks… oh well.. you can’t win them all.

Love and equality ya’ll and pray I can resist watching the cross over episodes of Grey’s and private practice tomorrow… I’m an addict..

Page 44 of 366 Valentines Day: Part Deux

15 Feb

So today was Valentine’s Day.  I was supposed to go see Titanic in 3D but I procrastinated and ended up leaving 30 mins later than I normally would to attend a screening.  I drove all the way out there and it was already full.  I have to say I was kind of relieved. I avoided sitting through a 3hr plus movie that I never really planned to sit through again for that reason.  Its a good movie, just too damn long.  My lil sis and I ended up going to Long John Silvers and then back home.  I caught the tail end of Glee, watched New girl and Raising Hope.  I also watched the new episode of The River.  That show is scary. I hate scary stuff but its my bonding time with lil sis.

Tomorrow is Revenge day! From the previews it does look like it’s Daniel that’s been shot.  I have to say that I hope he’s not dead.  It would be a real shame if he is getting killed off.  He really had nothing to do with the evil his parents committed and Amanda/Emily should’ve never involved him.  Poor dumb Daniel.  I hope its as explosive as I think it will be.  Expect and update tomorrow night.  I have passes for a screening of 21 Jump Street.  I haven’t decided on if I want to make that trek again tomorrow.  I’ll play it by ear I suppose.  I better try to get some sleep or I’ll be dragging around again tomorrow like I was today.

Love and equality ya’ll

p.s. sorry about any typos.. I don’t feel like proof reading lol  then again maybe I’ll just take another 2 mins to read over it.

Page 43 of 366 Nothing… Just Chillin

13 Feb

Its snowed last night in Kansas City and today the kids didn’t have school. It was two inches, tops, in the area.  Not to start off like every old person who claimed they walked to school barefoot in 10 feet of snow, but when I was in school it wasn’t quite so dramatic but it took a hell of a lot more than 2 inches of snow.

This week is going to be some great tv watching!  Tomorrow is the valentines episode of Glee.  It looks super cute.  Wednesday is the episode of revenge fans have been waiting for.  We get to see who gets shot on the beach.  Everyone is assuming its Daniel  but I doubt they’d kill him off. But we shall see!

Thats pretty much all my week will consist of besides hopefully getting my glasses back from Americas Best.  I’ll be sure to post a picture to debut my new look.

Love and Equality ya’ll it’s SO easy

Page 42 of 366 Valentines Day

13 Feb

There’s just a couple more days ladies and gents to get your significant other something to celebrate the day of love.  Fat little cupids are everywhere with arrows of love ready to be fired.  Conversation hearts are stocked on the store shelves and bunches of flowers are displayed for the last minute people. Valentines Day is right up my alley.  I love, love.  For my 33 years of life I’ve never had a Valentine.  If you’re reading this and feel the need to awww poor Sherr… don’t.  No really, don’t.  I’ll be the first to admit that in past years being alone on Valentines day, kind of put me in a funk.  I’d even avoid going places just because it was Valentines Day.  Though for me its never been about feeling lonely.  I’m not lonely.  I have friends, I have family and I have hobbies to occupy my time.  Looking at the drama people post about their relationships on social media makes me feel like I’m better off being single.  I’m not built to deal with such drama.

This Valentines day I will be going out into the world.  I have screening passes to see Titanic in 3D with my little sis.  I think that movie is 3hrs plus.  My limit for 3D is 2 hrs.  Anything after that makes my eyes tired.

For people that have significant others who make everything about them,we’ve all had these relationships, just stop the madness.  They run down a laundry list of reasons of why they aren’t getting you anything.  The most popular is because Valentines day is a made up holiday by the greeting card company.  My response? So what?  If your significant other likes valentines day, put your personal feelings aside and celebrate the damn holiday.  Some people even say, ‘well it shouldn’t just be one day out of the year’.  They are right it shouldn’t be just one day but if you really think about it, how often do you tell your significant other who much you love/like or appreciate them?  It takes a minuscule amount of time  and effort to make a person happy if you put a little thought into it.  If you do it and the person doesn’t appreciate it then you’re with the wrong person.  I feel like anything that is important to my s/o should be at least on my radar.  Its selfish to write off something thats important to a person you care about.  Celebrating Valentines day isn’t a moral issue.

One Valentines day, in high school, another students boyfriend came in the class, stopped at the nearest desk by the door, put a balloon and bear on it and said, “here go yo stuff,” and walked out the door.  I was thinking damn that’s kind of cold.  She was just a smiling. My desk had nothing on it so maybe I’m not one to really be judgmental.  Who am I kidding?  I’d have been single and he could have taken his ‘stuff’ with him.  But again I’m in my 33rd year without a valentine so maybe my way isn’t right.  Yes it is lol

It’s all about having respect for the one you’re with.  One of these days my valentine will bump into me in a store, or in the library, or at the gas station or where ever and the rest will be history. He’ll care for me enough to find out what matters to me and what doesn’t.  Maybe one day. Until then I’ll love on all the other significant people in my life. Some are crazy but what would I do without’em?

Love and equality ya’ll. It’s SO easy.

Page 41 of 366 Loss of a Legend

12 Feb

Whitney Houston is dead. She is the only voice to ever move me to tears with its pure beauty.  I never heard a Whitney song I didn’t like. I sit typing this in disbelief.  This latest tragedy continues to remind us that tomorrow isn’t promised to us.  It also tells us that anything can happen at any time. I feel like I felt when Michael Jackson died.  I feel like I felt when Luther Vandross died.  I feel like I felt when Gerald Levert died.  I feel like I felt when Aaliyah died.  All people who died before their time who spoke to me with their talent.  My heart is heavy.  People come to mean a lot to you even if you didn’t personally know them.  You still feel like they’re close to you because of their music.  Rest In Peace Whitney.

Love and Equality ya’ll.  It’s SO easy! Just love and be loved.

Page 40

11 Feb

I’ve got a great idea for a blog post.  Yes.. this post is about a post I will make in the future.  Something had to be written for page 40.  Again today I got nothing but I have a great idea that will take me a lot of time.  Look for it in the next few days. Until then my friends… Love and Equality

Enjoy this song as a hint of what’s to come:


Page 39 or 366 Things that make you go.. hmmm

10 Feb

After being raided a couple weeks ago, the neighbors started selling drugs again but instructed their customers to come around to the back door instead…. today they got raided again….

A little 7 yr old girl had a man try to snatch her up in walmart. She fought him, he dropped her and ran. A 7 yr old shouldn’t be anywhere alone. I know anything can happen but parents have to be vigilant these days.  7 yr old alone in the toy aisle… Questionable parenting there…

A mom slits her 9 month old daughters throat. She apparently told a church pastor  last October that she was possessed and told them not to let her hurt the baby.  They prayed for her and she snatched the baby and left… That needed to be reported church people…

Couple killed because they unfriended a harasser on facebook.  The harrassers father murdered the couple… it’s facebook.. is it really that serious?

Father shoots daughters laptop after disrespectful facebook post about her parents… he’s nuts for shooting a laptop but only because he probably bought it. Kids are so disrespectful these days.  She complained about having to do chores around the house…

Jack in the box offers bacon flavored shake… I love bacon but I seriously doubt the wisdom of introducing a bacon flavored shake…

A vending machine on college campus dispenses the morning after pill for $25… I’m all for the morning after pill at pharmacies but a vending machine is kinda ridiculous…

Love and equality ya’ll