Archive | July, 2010

Fossils and Bones and Dinos, Oh my!

26 Jul

I feel a little like Dorothy right now sans ruby red slippers. Along the way I made new friends, and caught up with others. This weekend was full of entertainment and new discoveries. I wasn’t off to see the wizard for this particular post, but off to see the dinosaur exhibit at Science City, here in great old KCMO. It takes you on an impressive walk through interactive displays, fossils, factoids and a load of animatronic dinos. I went on Saturday afternoon for $13.50. It was worth the money paid if you like learning about the history of the world.

What was most surprising to me was that the exhibit sets out to convince you that what you thought you knew about dinos may not be true. They seem to have found proof that some dinosaurs may have been covered in fur and feathers. Take for example the T-Rex so famously pictured in Jurassic Park. They have evidence that suggests that juvenile T-Rexs had feathers on their bodies until adulthood. They gave an example of what we’ve always thought a T-Rex looked like and the new theory with feathers. It was amazing the differences.

Another surprising feather clad dino were velociraptors, which were also in Jurassic Park. Evidence suggests that these guys were a bit shorter, stockier in appearance than first thought and also had feathers.

To be able to compare your own size to the leg bone of one of these massive creatures is something that puts things into perspective a bit. If these guys were still around. It would be no doubt as to who would be on top of the food chain. To stand next to a model of a T-Rex and realize that you’re only as tall as the heel of his foot is proof enough for me that our place and lives here are pin pricks in the fabric of time. These guys were cool to look at but I wouldn’t have liked to meet one.

Now as I started this weekend I’m back in the same spot, AC blasting, laying in my bed and realizing just as Dorothy did, there’s no place like home. *Cue music* be it ever so humble there’s no place like home

And I am tellin you…

24 Jul

If you can manage to get yourself to Starlight Theatre to see Dream Girls I suggest you do it. A definite 6 theatrical hair flips. Every single voice in that show was amazing. The actress that plays Effie White did as good a job as Jennifer Hudson in the movie. She brought me to tears a number of times. Its a must see. Before I left I wrote a blog called As I lay. I said that for it to be worth me melting in a 100 degree heat index, they better sang a hole in the sky. There has to be a hole because there were some big voices that graced that stage tonight. I mean, yes, I’m a puddle of melted chocolate goo but my ears and eyes are happy. There was no set and few props but what they did have was 4 huge LED see through screens as tall as the stage that went above and beyond technical marvel. It was used as a transition between scenes, split the stage in two for background acting. It was just amazing. But nothing was more amazing than its use during the Stepping To the Bad Side number. There are no words for the visual eye candy we received. This musical was like receiving a role of life savers with every saver being your favorite flavor (the white ones for me).

We were literally packed together like sardines being fried in a tablespoon. The lady next to me was so excited and her enthusiasm was contagious. From the moment I sat next to her she started chatting about how much she loved the musical. She pulled out a news clipping from today’s KC Star with a review of the show. It was long as heck but to be polite I read it and was surprised to find the reporter was just as enthused as she was. She had a bottle of icy cold water that if I had been only 2 inches tall I would have skinny dipped in for sure. She was prepared with a misting fan and snacks as well. One side of my hair has no curl because of that fan. We had made friends and I didn’t have the heart to tell her my hair isn’t wash and wear like hers was.

Just after Effie tore the whole in the sky with a well sang and well acted rendition of And I am telling you, I’m not going there was intermission and people actually left from our row. It gave us a chance to have some elbow room and my new friend was a seat away from me. I didn’t talk to her anymore after intermission. When it was over, my aunt and I walked the 6 country miles back to her car and we fought our way out into the mess that was traffic.

I’m back home now, again laying here with the AC and ceiling fan on and for this brief moment, all is right in my world.

As I lay

23 Jul

I’m right now having a moment of utter stillness. Well, besides typing this entry on my trusty little blackberry. As I lay in the cool AC and the ceiling fan whirling over me, I’m thankful. My mama had a minor stroke on Wednesday but as I lay, I remain thankful. It could’ve been worse and this blog could’ve been about crushing, overwhelming grief, but its not and I’m so thankful.

As I lay I’m soaking up as much AC as I can. Tonight, my aunt and I are going to see Dream Girls at Starlight. Its hot. Heat index 110, these woman better sang a hole in the sky tonight.

As I lay I’m thinking about my pretty full weekend. Dream Girls today, tomorrow the dino exhibit at Science City with Sandy(My inner geek is doing a little dance, sniffing and pushing her taped up glasses from off the edge of her nose in excitement). Sunday I’m going take myself to a marathon of cinematic goodness. I’ll be checking out Salt, Inception and Ramona and Beezus to wind down after the drama of the other two! Reviews to come.

I hope I don’t melt at Starlight tonight. If I do, and I end up a hunk of chocolate goo, I’ll blog all about it, as I lay.

Despicable Me… 6 amazing Hair Flips!

23 Jul

Pixar is back again with another great animated flick.  Steve Carrell stars in this one as the voice of super-villain Gru. Gru aspires to be the greatest super-villain the world has ever known.  I can’t say enough good things about this movie.  The script was fresh, smart and funny without being stupid.  It’s a win when a movie can make you want to root for the villain.   It gets a well deserved 6 hair flips.

I went to see this movie in 3D by myself, (what? there’s no shame in my game, Sherrie likes the cartoons lol) but it’s not like a movie like Avatar where you had to see it in 3D because it is an entirely different experience.  This movie would be equally good in 2D.  Take the kiddos, go by yourself, or take a date… well maybe not the best date movie, but do experience this with someone other than the chicken wings I shared my experience with.

And Thats Why They Call It The Blues

22 Jul

Today I figure I can sing The Blues with the greats. B.B playing Lucille while I bare it all for the world to hear. I haven’t lead a life of tragedy but sometimes I feel like a tragedy in progress. Is this life, one long/short ending? I guess it depends on how you choose to view your own life.

After a trying and very emotional day, I’ve realized something. For the first time in a long while, I feel like I can breathe again. This blog is my oxygen, the lines I write here are the carbon dioxide I exhale back into the world.

Things my date says

20 Jul

So I’ve been dating a new guy who is super nice and a lot of fun to be around. I named this entry Things My Date Says because cause he says the most wonderfully awkward things sometimes. So seeing as I just came back from a date with him, I thought I’d do a Late showesque Top Ten things my date said tonight.
*I wrote this last night before I went to sleep and decided not to post it. Talked to the aforementioned date who expressed he was looking forward to reading this. Here you go!*

10. I’m gonna blog about going to the restroom at union station.

9. I’ve never made out in a movie theatre.

8. Bumblebees don’t have a barb on the end of their stingers so they can sting you as much as they want.

7. Rats and mice are entirely different species. Would an orangutan grow into a human? Would a house cat grow into a bob cat? (Am I alone in thinking mice were baby rats? lol blame kcmsd if I’m alone on that island)

6. Tyrannosaurus get their names from the Tyrant lizard. (I asked because I knew he’d know and he did)

5. That T-Rex’s little arms are the same size as yours.

4. Does the ladies restroom have a weird vending machine in it?(Yes) What’s in it? (Fyi, there were body jewel stickers, lip gloss, candy, tampons, and pads)

3. I don’t think I could date a vampire. All the ones from the movie had no butt.

2. Do you know what they say about a man who has big feet? He has big shoes.

1. Did you know aloe was a natural laxative? Not in gel form though, you can get aloe juice at the pharmacy (I had to laugh at this one. I never imagined discussing laxatives on any date before the ripe old age of 90 lol)

Tonight I can write the saddest lines…

20 Jul

Tonight I can write is a poem written by Pablo Neruda. Its an amazing poem about losing a love and getting over it. Check it out if you get a chance.

I chose it as my title for this blog because I’m thinking about writing. I started to write a novel last winter. I got sick and stopped writing it. Last night I picked it up again and read what I had written so far. I feel compelled to finish the story. I’m debating on posting my progress on this blog. I haven’t decided. Maybe I’ll post a synopsis and ask for opinions. That is all.

P.S My original plan was to talk about a date I had tonight but I decided against it. Some things you just wanna hug to you a little longer before you share with the world.

I’ll do that right now just let me get… Squirrel!

19 Jul

This is about my biggest issue. Procrastination. I lose focus. You can’t see me typing this but even in the middle of the word (which I won’t type again) I had to stop after the cras to get a drink of sprite and comment in my head on how full I am of McNuggets.

If I have to set an alarm to wake up I have to allow for snooze time. I will continue to hit snooze every five minutes for up to an hour or until its crucial that I move my ass ASAP.

I’m laying her blogging now as I have wet hair that needs to be dried and flat ironed. So my real problem is, I’d always rather be doing something else. I’d rather blog than do my hair. I’d rather do my hair than do dishes. I’d rather do dishes than do laundry. In my long list of I’d rather do’s, nothing gets done. So as soon as I’m done with this blog I’m going to turn over a new leaf and get things done with laser point precision and all the Focus of a Ford(see what I did there?). Then again there’s always tomorr… Squirrel!

Like when we used to be in love…

17 Jul

That’s a lyric from Luther Vandross’ Promise Me. Tonight has got me feeling some kinda way. I’m listening to Pandora and my Peabo Bryson station is playing a lot of Luther. I’m such a LV fan. When I hear his voice I feel like I’m being hugged. I feel as if I missed out on seeing him in concert before his death. He definitely died too young. One of the r&b voices that can never be replaced. Todays singers don’t sing about love like LV did. Its all about sex and how much money they make and hitting up clubs. That doesn’t inspire romance in me.

What does inspire me is intimacy. Being able to talk to someone and be yourself is worth so much more than being “wined and dined”. I crave to be invested in that way. Physical attraction can only take two people so far. What happens after sex? What happens the next morning when there’s ackward silence because you don’t know anything about the person you just had sex with? I’ve made a commitment to myself, to not have sex again until I’m in a relationship. Its in my best interest to make sure I’m invested in. Is it a struggle? Yep. Is it worth the struggle? Absolutely. Its easier said than done some can argue. Physical attraction can make you question whats it all for. Its because I’m investing in myself. The person I am is good enough for anybody.

The Sorcerer’s Apprentice is making magic and gets a generous 4 1/2 Hair Flips

16 Jul

Nick Cage (national treasure, ghost rider), Jay Baruchel(Knocked Up, She’s Out of My League), and Alfred Molina (Spiderman 2) all star in this Disney made, live action version of The Sorcerer’s apprentice.

This movie had enough to hold my attention, funny moments from the adorably ackward Jay Baruchel and Alfred Molina plays bad so well. Molina fights to unleash the power of evil sorceress Morgana to destroy the world. Balthazar and Dave (Cage and Baruchel)of course must stop him, but first Dave has to be quickly trained as Balthazars apprentice.

Nick Cage who has been unable to score a box office hit since National Treasure: Book of Secrets, probably doesn’t have one here either. Its projected to make only about 30 million this weekend, which is far off the mark from the 150 mill this baby cost to make. To be fair its up against some heavy hitters like Despicable Me who stole the #1 spot from Eclipse last weekend. Decaprio’s Inception also hits theatres today.

What sucks is this movie is very entertaining, special effects were on point, which included a dragon, a giant metal eagle, cool magical duels and witty banter from Cage and Baruchel. The only draw back was the last show down between Dave (Baruchel) and the evil Morgana it was sorta lack luster and too short. I expected him to kick her ass and we got what was the equivalent of a roman candle being shot at smoke. The journey to the final showdown however is worth the rather dull ending. I’d reccomend you take the kiddies and see this one if you’ve already seen Despicable Me and Toy Story 3.