Tag Archives: theatre

And I am tellin you…

24 Jul

If you can manage to get yourself to Starlight Theatre to see Dream Girls I suggest you do it. A definite 6 theatrical hair flips. Every single voice in that show was amazing. The actress that plays Effie White did as good a job as Jennifer Hudson in the movie. She brought me to tears a number of times. Its a must see. Before I left I wrote a blog called As I lay. I said that for it to be worth me melting in a 100 degree heat index, they better sang a hole in the sky. There has to be a hole because there were some big voices that graced that stage tonight. I mean, yes, I’m a puddle of melted chocolate goo but my ears and eyes are happy. There was no set and few props but what they did have was 4 huge LED see through screens as tall as the stage that went above and beyond technical marvel. It was used as a transition between scenes, split the stage in two for background acting. It was just amazing. But nothing was more amazing than its use during the Stepping To the Bad Side number. There are no words for the visual eye candy we received. This musical was like receiving a role of life savers with every saver being your favorite flavor (the white ones for me).

We were literally packed together like sardines being fried in a tablespoon. The lady next to me was so excited and her enthusiasm was contagious. From the moment I sat next to her she started chatting about how much she loved the musical. She pulled out a news clipping from today’s KC Star with a review of the show. It was long as heck but to be polite I read it and was surprised to find the reporter was just as enthused as she was. She had a bottle of icy cold water that if I had been only 2 inches tall I would have skinny dipped in for sure. She was prepared with a misting fan and snacks as well. One side of my hair has no curl because of that fan. We had made friends and I didn’t have the heart to tell her my hair isn’t wash and wear like hers was.

Just after Effie tore the whole in the sky with a well sang and well acted rendition of And I am telling you, I’m not going there was intermission and people actually left from our row. It gave us a chance to have some elbow room and my new friend was a seat away from me. I didn’t talk to her anymore after intermission. When it was over, my aunt and I walked the 6 country miles back to her car and we fought our way out into the mess that was traffic.

I’m back home now, again laying here with the AC and ceiling fan on and for this brief moment, all is right in my world.