Tag Archives: 3D

Despicable Me… 6 amazing Hair Flips!

23 Jul

Pixar is back again with another great animated flick.  Steve Carrell stars in this one as the voice of super-villain Gru. Gru aspires to be the greatest super-villain the world has ever known.  I can’t say enough good things about this movie.  The script was fresh, smart and funny without being stupid.  It’s a win when a movie can make you want to root for the villain.   It gets a well deserved 6 hair flips.

I went to see this movie in 3D by myself, (what? there’s no shame in my game, Sherrie likes the cartoons lol) but it’s not like a movie like Avatar where you had to see it in 3D because it is an entirely different experience.  This movie would be equally good in 2D.  Take the kiddos, go by yourself, or take a date… well maybe not the best date movie, but do experience this with someone other than the chicken wings I shared my experience with.