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Page 57 of 366 Good Deeds

28 Feb

My Mom, Little Sis and I went to see Tyler Perry’s Good Deeds.  Its a story worth seeing.  Its a story that is a bit unrealistic but to a hopeless romantic like me, happy endings always make you warm and fuzzy.  4 of 6 hair flips for Good Deeds.  Tyler Perry has a knack for telling interesting tough stories but also bringing the comic relief.  There was no Madea to provide the comedy in this one and it was okay.  At times its hard to look at Perry and not go damn he’s making a Madea expression lol Its just a fact the man is Madea and Tyler Perry’s smile and Madea’s smile.  Anyway, Tyler Perry has a lot of hater’s coming out of the black community from people who feel like his movies aren’t socially responsible.  I’m not a Perry hater and the ones making the biggest fuss are the ones that need to look at their own body of work.  Madea is a character that’s it.  Perry is a self made, hardworking man that gives back to the community.  You can’t fault him for that.  From what I can see he takes care of the black actors who are down with him. The actors who are tired of playing maids, nannies, gang bangers, drug dealers, criminals, thugs and rapping and dancing side show acts.  It seems like most of the actors featured in his films are in multiple ones he’s made.  Keep on keeping on Tyler Perry.  There is NO other black director out there that people flock to the theaters for opening weekend. Or does his success mean that he’s sold out? Maybe it does for some but it doesn’t mean that to me.  And my opinion is all I really care about at the end of the day.  When is the last time you said.. Oh another Spike Lee Joint is coming out! I’ve got to go see that!  Not ever…  I just think people should pick on people who really need to be picked on.

Page 38 of 366 The Vow

8 Feb

I went to a screening of The Vow tonight.  It’s definitely a tearjerker.  Its sad to think its based off a true story.  Channing Tatum is coming into his own.  He’s becoming better and better at acting and he ain’t bad to look at either.  4 out of 6  hair flips for this one.

My foot feels tons better. It still hurts a bit but I can walk on it.  I ordered my glasses today and they should be back in 7-10 days so be on the look out for pictures of me in my new glasses.  I got a plastic pair and a pair of wire frames..  Both a super cute.

Now I’m watching The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and arguing with my sister over the appearance of the Green Ranger… I’m right of course.

Love and equality.  Its SO easy.

Page 33 of 366 This Means War

3 Feb

5 neck cricking hair flips

Last night I saw a screening of the mid February release of This Means War.  It stars Reese Witherspoon, Chris Pine, Tom Hardy and Chelsea Handler.  Here is the Sitch: Loren meets a wonderful guy on an online dating service.  After their brief date, she meets his best friend and CIA partner in the video store.  The love triangle begins and hilariously so.  They try to play nice at the beginning but it gets ugly very quickly as everyone involved catches feelings.

This movie impressed me for a couple of reasons.  First, the film had everything, comedy, action, romance and one very charming English accent from Tom Hardy.  Second, Chelsea Handler is crazy hilarious.  Every scene she’s in had me dying laughing.  I think what also  impressed me is upon leaving the theater the war continues in your head, and in your conversations with the people you see it with on the way home.  You can’t help but think if she chose the right guy.  My personal opinion is no, she didn’t choose the right guy.  I gladly put myself in her shoes and I would’ve gone a different way.  My only hope is that on the Bluray/DVD release they give us an alternate ending where she chooses the other guy to let us know what might’ve been.  I think that would be amazing.  This is a definite must see.  Everyone will enjoy this, even the fellas.  It has great fight scenes where asses get kicked, explosions, and high speed chases.  How can you go wrong?

By the way, Tom Hardy, who I don’t think I’ve knowingly seen in anything to date, is quite the looker, even with the (this is mean as hell) unattractive Brit teeth.

Love and equality ya’ll

R.I.P. Don Cornelius Love, Peace and Soooooul

Page 30 And the Indie Goes to…

31 Jan

For this page I wanted to talk about two movies that I watched last night.  They make you feel a lot while watching them.  They both make you feel uncomfortable and warm and fuzzy.  They both have moments that piss you off.  They both have moments that make you believe in how love can set you free. Fair warning both these movies deal heavily with sexual abuse.  Let’s start with Swedish Auto.

This movie was incredibly sweet.  It starred January Jones and Lukas Haas.  These two gave great performances.  Lukas  Haas pleasantly surprised me with his portrayal of Carter.  You go in to it thinking he has these emotional problems that make him not want to talk to anyone and that he’s kinda eccentric and lonely.  As the movie unfolds its not the case at all.  It turns out that he’s kind of fearless and open to give and receive love.  Check this one out if you enjoy quirky romantic movies.

Next up… Neo Ned

This one is sweet but kind of uncomfortable to watch.  It brings to mind the saying that says people either come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.  Rachel and Ned meet in a mental hospital.  He’s the angry troublemaker looking for attention.   He’s also a white supremacist, but not because he really believed it but because he wanted to belong and have connections with other people.  One day Rachel enters the hospital thinking she has the soul of Hitler in her.  She’s a black woman.  He’s intrigued by her and in his own unique ‘Ned’ way he pursues her.  They’re two people with issues and you know they’re doomed from the start, but the way the relationship unfolds it leaves you satisfied.  This movie made me laugh, cry, squirm and go awwwww during the good and bad times.  Ned is played by the amazing Jeremy Renner.  Rachel is played the gorgeous and versatile actress Gabrielle Union.

Love and Equality in 2012

Despicable Me… 6 amazing Hair Flips!

23 Jul

Pixar is back again with another great animated flick.  Steve Carrell stars in this one as the voice of super-villain Gru. Gru aspires to be the greatest super-villain the world has ever known.  I can’t say enough good things about this movie.  The script was fresh, smart and funny without being stupid.  It’s a win when a movie can make you want to root for the villain.   It gets a well deserved 6 hair flips.

I went to see this movie in 3D by myself, (what? there’s no shame in my game, Sherrie likes the cartoons lol) but it’s not like a movie like Avatar where you had to see it in 3D because it is an entirely different experience.  This movie would be equally good in 2D.  Take the kiddos, go by yourself, or take a date… well maybe not the best date movie, but do experience this with someone other than the chicken wings I shared my experience with.

The Sorcerer’s Apprentice is making magic and gets a generous 4 1/2 Hair Flips

16 Jul

Nick Cage (national treasure, ghost rider), Jay Baruchel(Knocked Up, She’s Out of My League), and Alfred Molina (Spiderman 2) all star in this Disney made, live action version of The Sorcerer’s apprentice.

This movie had enough to hold my attention, funny moments from the adorably ackward Jay Baruchel and Alfred Molina plays bad so well. Molina fights to unleash the power of evil sorceress Morgana to destroy the world. Balthazar and Dave (Cage and Baruchel)of course must stop him, but first Dave has to be quickly trained as Balthazars apprentice.

Nick Cage who has been unable to score a box office hit since National Treasure: Book of Secrets, probably doesn’t have one here either. Its projected to make only about 30 million this weekend, which is far off the mark from the 150 mill this baby cost to make. To be fair its up against some heavy hitters like Despicable Me who stole the #1 spot from Eclipse last weekend. Decaprio’s Inception also hits theatres today.

What sucks is this movie is very entertaining, special effects were on point, which included a dragon, a giant metal eagle, cool magical duels and witty banter from Cage and Baruchel. The only draw back was the last show down between Dave (Baruchel) and the evil Morgana it was sorta lack luster and too short. I expected him to kick her ass and we got what was the equivalent of a roman candle being shot at smoke. The journey to the final showdown however is worth the rather dull ending. I’d reccomend you take the kiddies and see this one if you’ve already seen Despicable Me and Toy Story 3.

My Movie Rating System!!

16 Jul

My next blog will be a movie review. So of course like all the greats, I’ve gotta have my own review system. Instead of stars I’ll be using hair flips. It goes as follows:

0 Hair flips: snooze city literally because I fell asleep or I walked out and I need a refund.

1 Hair Flip: too many wth moments, slow to get to the point, wasn’t interested in any of the characters, wait… there were special effects?

2 Hair Flips: a few minor wth’s, special effects noticable but shoddy, got to the point rather quickly but I still didn’t care about said point.

3 Hair Flips: held my attention well, no real wth moments but maybe an eyebrow raise or two, cool special effects, and okay okay.. I see the point and I’m willing to go with it.

4 Hair Flips: Now we have a movie, I’m into it and alert, No wth’s, chuckled at funny parts, cried at sad parts, really good special effects, ending could’ve been better.

5 Hair Flips: wickty wow! Effects were amazing, story well paced, yay hero! Must see!

6 Hair Flips: wickty wickty wow! On the edge of my seat. Effects changed the game, story paced well with nary a dull moment. Go see it today cause I saw it twice already slow poke!