Archive | April, 2019

Here We Go Again…

21 Apr

I want to be consistent.  I want to be a go getter. I want to be a tough broad who gets it all done and feels like there isn’t enough hours in the day.  The, I’ll sleep when I’m dead types. However; I just have to come to terms with just not being that bitch.  I need naps. I do. If I don’t get them I am cranky and who in the hell wants to live with cranky?

I do have a voice and would like to share that voice with the world.  I just don’t feel like I have something to say every single day.  At least, not without getting ridiculous.

I want to write a romance novel.  I began one, years ago but I keep finding myself stuck. Maybe I will start from scratch and just do the work it takes to brainstorm, plot, outline and write this great American romance novel.  I need pressure though, and I need deadlines.  I’m going to try.  Starting today. Wait…Game of Thrones is tonight.. tomorrow.. I’ll start tomorrow!

As always, be kind to one another.  It is soooo easy!