Archive | May, 2014

Infected ears, being broke and what the hell was I thinking??

6 May

I’ve got a really bad ear infection. Maybe its the pain in my ear or maybe I’m just over listening to others ignorant conversations and smug opinions on things. I’ve always been one to march to my own drummer.  I like what I like and I don’t feel like I need the approval of anyone else. If I like something that the rest of the world likes, then cool! If I like something that nobody else likes, great! I’m not going to put other people down for not liking what I like or even for doing what they like, even if what they like isn’t my thing.  I had a conversation today about social media with a coworker.  He said that he doesn’t like social media because people only post things to be liked, whether it be pictures or statuses.  He didn’t feel he had anything to share that people would want to hear anyway. He said that if he wanted to stay in contact with friends then he’d just tell them individually what he wanted to say without having to post it to facebook. I can see his point and wasn’t offended by it because its his opinion.  I am on social media everyday multiple times a day.  I’m not on there to be liked. I’m on there because I’m interested in people and to me its fun. If I post a selfie, I’m just saying, ‘hi, this is me’.  I’m not looking for likes or validation from folks I don’t know. Social media is a way to connect with people you’ve known in the past and lost contact with or just sharing your story with people.  Maybe someone who feels like they don’t have a voice in their everyday life gains empowerment and the courage to say how they feel through the computer. Who cares about the method when connections are being made?

Ever had a crush on someone and then you find out the truth about the person they really are?  Then you wondered what the hell you were thinking and why didn’t you see them for the miserable bastard they were in the first place? I cannot and will not ever understand a person who breeds negativity.  I believe what you put out into the world is what you get back from it. If you’re constantly spewing out distaste for everything and feeling like you’re above everyone then that is all you’re ever going to be successful at. Holding yourself back from being happy.  You’ll be alone and telling yourself that at least you didn’t sell out like those other suckers out there living life and being happy.  Please don’t buy into your own bull shit.  Make an effort to not be miserable.  I’m a person who can get a long with most people.  I can be outgoing when I want to be, but sometimes I have to cut people out of my life. I feel way too much of other peoples emotions.  I can feel other peoples misery weighing me down like wet wool. I’ve gotten depressed from being around miserable individuals. At 35 I’ve kinda learned to recognize the signs and not allow negative people to infect my bubble of content.  So secret ex crush, I’m sorry, I’m leaving you alone to be miserable. I don’t want to be friends. You make me tired when I’m around you. 

Do I really need to even go in to being broke? Everyone I know is..

My wish for 2014 is for everyone to get to be their true authentic self.  Just be.. its SO easy!



Thinking about firing up the old blog again…

5 May

I’ve had a lot on my mind lately. When I used my blog as a tool to express what I wanted I think I was happier.  I lost my beautiful Mother August 2012 and my life wasn’t the same.  I had to shut down for a while and not quite got back in to the groove and blogging. I’m going to try to do better though.  It’s therapeutic for me even if I know nobody really reads the things I write.  I’m going fire it up again and see where it leads.  Love only in 2014.. Its SO easy!