My review of The Amazing Spiderman

3 Jul

The Amazing Spiderman is just that. Amazing. Andrew Garfield is great as Peter Parker, his acting ability and gymnastic skills are far better than Toby Maguire and I liked those movies alot (well maybe not Spiderman 3 so much). It was well acted by the entire cast, Martin Sheen, Dennis Leary, Emma Stone, Sally Field and Rhys Ifans. This is definitely a great effort at rebooting the franchise. It’s not a continuation of the last movies so it stands on its own. The tone of the movie isn’t much different from the Toby era, and not a complete overhaul like Chris Nolan’s Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises. Those are much darker and gritter in comparison to Tim Burton’s Batman and Batman Returns. I enjoyed it a lot. I’d see it again actually. I saw it in IMAX 3D and that was pretty cool. Action and fight sequences were cool ad some of the camara shots and computer animation were out of this world. There was a POV so kinda got to see what spidey would see as he’s slinging those webs. We got virtually kicked in the face by spidey at one point lol It’s a must see if these types of movies are your thing. I won a prize for answering a trivia question. I got a hat, t-shirt, soundtrack and mini poster. Go me!

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