The Hunger Games: Its a must read

24 May

I wanna start off by saying anyone who hasn’t read but intends too should probably not read the rest of this post.


*****Spoiler Alert*****

This trilogy was a tough read for me. Let me just say that I read a lot of books.  Its one of my favorite things to do. When I read I stop seeing words on a page and its like I’m watching inside the scenes.  I don’t know if anyone else has the same experience. I’ve never really asked. When I’m immersed in a book like I was in this trilogy I couldn’t help but to be emotionally invested in the story. The author was incredibly descriptive and successful at conveying emotional and physiological responses to the events that unfolded for the characters. I’ve personally never felt what its like to be hungry all the time and I’ve been blessed to have never worried about where my next meal will come from or if my family will go hungry tonight. I can’t imagine surviving in a world like Panem. Would I have the guts to do all the things Katniss did to survive? If the world turned in to Panem tomorrow, probably not.  I’d be the first to admit I’m a little spoiled. I don’t like veggies and I couldn’t see myself hunting down anything.  If I was born into such a world maybe my answer would be different.


I’ve got a tough exterior and a gooey center so the graphic killing of kids broke my heart. I can’t wrap my head around the feeling of kill or be killed. Katniss volunteered for the hunger games to save her sister from being slaughtered but in the end it really didn’t matter.  She lost more than she gained.  She still didn’t have the freedom she wanted, Prim was killed in such a horribly cold blooded way, her relationship with Gale was fractured as a result (and really even before Prim’s death she wasn’t sure to continue trusting him, I personally wouldn’t have, he was too blood thirsty). She even lost her sanity.  I’d say she lost her Mother too but that was pretty clear from the begginning she really couldn’t count on her much.  Katniss ending up alone in victory village kind of proved that.


President Snow was terrifying.  He smelled like blood and roses. I could almost smell him as I read. It gives me that creeps just thinking about it.  There’s so much going on in these books! I’ve rambled enough I think. Tell me what you thought.


Any moments you’d like to touch on?


Any Characters you wish had a different fate?


Did you like Katniss? (I gotta confess that although I rooted for her, she wasn’t all that likable as far as heroines go but I was still okay with that.  If she was warm and fuzzy everything that she endured wouldn’t have been as compelling.  She kind of had to let her dark side free to even have had a chance of surviving.)


Team Peeta or Team Gale and why? (I’m sure you know my answer lol)


Haymitch: Friend or Foe?


Was Prim’s death inevitable?


Pleeeeease share your thoughts!!

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