Page 51 An Important Topic

22 Feb

Tonight’s episode of Glee dealt with a really sensitive subject.  The alarming increase in gay teens committing suicide.  I don’t understand why humans are so horrible to each other.  Let people be who they are and be with who they want to be with.  Life is too short to be concerned about what others are doing.  Homosexuality isn’t a disease.  There is nothing wrong with people who are attracted to their same sex.  I don’t see why all these groups are going on these crusades to protest homosexuality and gay rights.

All the ignorance leads to the bullying.  Its hard on people and they don’t know of any other way to stop it. We need to put into practice loving and respecting one another.  Stop feeling so threatened by people who don’t live exactly as we do.  I know people are up in arms about preserving the sanctity of marriage.  To me marriage is about two people who love each other, pledging to spend their lives together and sticking through it all for better or for worse.  Who says two men or two woman can’t achieve that?  Non homosexuals can’t even say they are successful at this.  Everyone runs for the hills when things get tough.  The divorce rate is sky rocketing.  So to say the sanctity of marriage will be affected… to alot of people marriage isn’t taken very serious.. THAT is affecting the sanctity of marriage.

Anyway, love and equality it’s SO easy.  Treat people like you want to be treated.  If there is a lane you don’t agree with, stay in your lane and keep it moving.  But we’ve got to stop allowing these kids to leave this earth from this foolishness.

One Response to “Page 51 An Important Topic”

  1. rosandra m. davis February 22, 2012 at 1:00 am #

    I agree with you. I am accepting of people who are different then me. I was never a bully but the bullied. It seems when you’re not part of the mainstream you’re a target for ridicule. We should treat people the way we want 2 be treated.

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