Page 47 Has the world gone insane?

17 Feb

Today I read a news story about the president going to get Chinese take out.  People are mad because the restaurant he went to serves Shark Fin soup.  He didn’t order shark fin soup just dim sum.  Out of all the things wrong with this world, people are mad the president went to a place that sales it.  In all the years I’ve eaten Chinese I’ve never said I wonder if they serve shark fin soup? If they do I’m not going there.  I’ve never even heard of shark fin soup!  I’m sorry to hear about all the poor innocent sharks who have been hunted for their fins, I really am.  If shark fin soup is the first thing on the presidents mind when going to grab lunch, we’re in trouble in this country.  Everyday you hear about someone being offended by something stupid.  I can see if the man went on a shark fishing trip, protest all you want then, he’d deserve it.  It’s ridiculous. The president is a lefty should we protest him not being ambidextrous? There are more right handed people in this country than left handed people… Do we really want a lefty in office? *please do not miss the sarcasm intended* I’m so tired of the foolishness.

People will throw themselves in front of a wrecking ball to stop a historic buildings from being torn down, or put themselves in the path of a cargo ship in protest of dolphins being caught in tuna fishing nets.  But what about the millions of elderly, disabled and children, who can’t fight for themselves.  Where is our passion for helping out our fellow man?  I’m not saying we shouldn’t care about the other issues, but we’ve got people being murdered nearly everyday in my city and no one will come forward to give any evidence or leads.  We’ve got kids missing by the thousands.  We have numerous cases of abuse and neglect with our kids but nobody says anything until its too late and a child is dead.

Here is some perspective for you: The first animal cruelty society in the United States was the ASPCA founded in 1866 by Henry Bergh.  The New York Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children was founded in 1874.

Love and equality people. I yearn for that day when its a reality.

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