Page 41 of 366 Loss of a Legend

12 Feb

Whitney Houston is dead. She is the only voice to ever move me to tears with its pure beauty.  I never heard a Whitney song I didn’t like. I sit typing this in disbelief.  This latest tragedy continues to remind us that tomorrow isn’t promised to us.  It also tells us that anything can happen at any time. I feel like I felt when Michael Jackson died.  I feel like I felt when Luther Vandross died.  I feel like I felt when Gerald Levert died.  I feel like I felt when Aaliyah died.  All people who died before their time who spoke to me with their talent.  My heart is heavy.  People come to mean a lot to you even if you didn’t personally know them.  You still feel like they’re close to you because of their music.  Rest In Peace Whitney.

Love and Equality ya’ll.  It’s SO easy! Just love and be loved.

One Response to “Page 41 of 366 Loss of a Legend”

  1. rosandra m. davis February 12, 2012 at 1:27 am #

    I hear you. I remember when I could finally listen to music on the radio, the greatest love of all was the first song I heard. Those lyrics still ring in my head , well I am sure it helps that I have all her albums except for two. I really can’ t listen to I will always love you right now because tears are gonna fall. whitney, you were always my top female sanger. Nobody sang the National Anthem like you.

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