Page 39 or 366 Things that make you go.. hmmm

10 Feb

After being raided a couple weeks ago, the neighbors started selling drugs again but instructed their customers to come around to the back door instead…. today they got raided again….

A little 7 yr old girl had a man try to snatch her up in walmart. She fought him, he dropped her and ran. A 7 yr old shouldn’t be anywhere alone. I know anything can happen but parents have to be vigilant these days.  7 yr old alone in the toy aisle… Questionable parenting there…

A mom slits her 9 month old daughters throat. She apparently told a church pastor  last October that she was possessed and told them not to let her hurt the baby.  They prayed for her and she snatched the baby and left… That needed to be reported church people…

Couple killed because they unfriended a harasser on facebook.  The harrassers father murdered the couple… it’s facebook.. is it really that serious?

Father shoots daughters laptop after disrespectful facebook post about her parents… he’s nuts for shooting a laptop but only because he probably bought it. Kids are so disrespectful these days.  She complained about having to do chores around the house…

Jack in the box offers bacon flavored shake… I love bacon but I seriously doubt the wisdom of introducing a bacon flavored shake…

A vending machine on college campus dispenses the morning after pill for $25… I’m all for the morning after pill at pharmacies but a vending machine is kinda ridiculous…

Love and equality ya’ll


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