Page 30 And the Indie Goes to…

31 Jan

For this page I wanted to talk about two movies that I watched last night.  They make you feel a lot while watching them.  They both make you feel uncomfortable and warm and fuzzy.  They both have moments that piss you off.  They both have moments that make you believe in how love can set you free. Fair warning both these movies deal heavily with sexual abuse.  Let’s start with Swedish Auto.

This movie was incredibly sweet.  It starred January Jones and Lukas Haas.  These two gave great performances.  Lukas  Haas pleasantly surprised me with his portrayal of Carter.  You go in to it thinking he has these emotional problems that make him not want to talk to anyone and that he’s kinda eccentric and lonely.  As the movie unfolds its not the case at all.  It turns out that he’s kind of fearless and open to give and receive love.  Check this one out if you enjoy quirky romantic movies.

Next up… Neo Ned

This one is sweet but kind of uncomfortable to watch.  It brings to mind the saying that says people either come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.  Rachel and Ned meet in a mental hospital.  He’s the angry troublemaker looking for attention.   He’s also a white supremacist, but not because he really believed it but because he wanted to belong and have connections with other people.  One day Rachel enters the hospital thinking she has the soul of Hitler in her.  She’s a black woman.  He’s intrigued by her and in his own unique ‘Ned’ way he pursues her.  They’re two people with issues and you know they’re doomed from the start, but the way the relationship unfolds it leaves you satisfied.  This movie made me laugh, cry, squirm and go awwwww during the good and bad times.  Ned is played by the amazing Jeremy Renner.  Rachel is played the gorgeous and versatile actress Gabrielle Union.

Love and Equality in 2012

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