Korean twin towers

14 Dec


This is unfathomable.  The picture above is a building design for luxury apartment buildings in South Korea.  The Dutch developers are claiming that it wasn’t intentionally designed to resemble the 9/11 attacks. Intentional or not this is beyond disrespect to the victims and families affected by this tragedy. I get that 9/11 may not be in the forefront of peoples minds who are from other countries but you have to have seen the similarities, and once the similarities were noticed, the design should have been changed.

When tragedies and natural disasters happen in other countries, America is always expected to give aide, and we do give aide because its the right thing to do.  No matter what the country, I think the loss of lives should be respected.  Its insensitive to the families who lost their loved ones in this unspeakable tragedy.  

I hope they don’t actually build this.

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