I’ll do that right now just let me get… Squirrel!

19 Jul

This is about my biggest issue. Procrastination. I lose focus. You can’t see me typing this but even in the middle of the word (which I won’t type again) I had to stop after the cras to get a drink of sprite and comment in my head on how full I am of McNuggets.

If I have to set an alarm to wake up I have to allow for snooze time. I will continue to hit snooze every five minutes for up to an hour or until its crucial that I move my ass ASAP.

I’m laying her blogging now as I have wet hair that needs to be dried and flat ironed. So my real problem is, I’d always rather be doing something else. I’d rather blog than do my hair. I’d rather do my hair than do dishes. I’d rather do dishes than do laundry. In my long list of I’d rather do’s, nothing gets done. So as soon as I’m done with this blog I’m going to turn over a new leaf and get things done with laser point precision and all the Focus of a Ford(see what I did there?). Then again there’s always tomorr… Squirrel!

One Response to “I’ll do that right now just let me get… Squirrel!”

  1. Sandy July 24, 2010 at 12:59 am #

    Squirrels ARE quite interesting though. Don’t beat yourself up for giving them your immediate attention. They deserve it! 🙂

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